Saturday, October 16, 2010


Good Morning
I wanted to post and let those of you following my blog know that ... ;

the coupon trade has shown NO interest, so I havent posted any of my many extras.

Ive been swamped this week with Life stuff and havent had the opportunity to blog lately

last but not least... Google pulled all my ad sense  because of "invalid clicks".  Not sure If I'll be able to use them again... but oh well.  thank you to all who tried to help .

I've been searching to see if there is a current coupon train to join in SE Michigan ... if I find one, I'll post the link, but can't justify spending time creating one with no interest.

ok...nuff said .  Have a GREAT Weekend !!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tuesday Thrills

I was searching for my recycle points from the city today, and somehow found a site that I was soooo excited to find, I couldn't wait to put it on my blog.  It's a place to find everything from items at closeout cost to freebies, to online coupon codes.  It's not just for us Grandparents raising our grandchildren... but for Anyone wanting to save money while shopping for things we need...or might want.   Find this at

I also found something on saving pennies to spend dollars (Ashley C  bog),   check out the widget to the right  and play.  Its the easiest and fun site Ive seen in a LONG time.  Enjoy

I'll be back late this week to post this weeks coupon swap.

Until then, take care

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Yesterday was  Christina's birthday the big 6,  and we had a nice little celbration at the house ...  today is the big party. she is so excited to have her first birthday party.  Chuck E Cheese here we come !!!  Thank goodness parents will be there to help control the crowd .  LOL.  Jessica and Chris actually called Christina for her birthday... that too brought a smile to her face.

Jim came in last night ... The girls really enjoy him ... dare I say the L word?   I was feeling so bad, I had to go to bed (even earlier than normal) and it was comforting to know he was here with the Girls.

Ive worked on the coupon exchange list for a few days, but haven't completed it yet.  Hoping to do that later today ... until then

thank you to everyone who follows my blog, clicks the links and enjoys.

Take care

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Good Morning.  Just an update.... I'm still working on the coupon trade contents.  The girls are doing GREAT !  Christina is excited about her upcoming birthday (8th) and her first ever birthday party.  so, now you know why I havent been posting this week.  but as promised, I'm posting  LOL. 

Hugs, and GREAT appreciation to all who click the links and browse for a bit.  It is greatly appreciated.  With gift giving holidays coming up... be sure to check out my Amazon link as well.  They have some great deals, and of course sell everything from aveno to zoo toys.    If you need a few extra bucks,  join me at swag bucks !!  it's fun, and rewarding ... most of all FREE  to earn points for girft cards or prizes.  Just click the sign up button. 

It will be a BUSY weekend, but I'll do my best to post again tomorrow, and then of course on Sunday when the coupon list exchange is finished (crossing my fingers it will be done).  Until then....

Have a GREAT Day

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Another sleepless night...

Good Morning everyone.

I hope everyone had a GREAT Week !   

Other than extreme fatigue and running on less than 20 hours of sleep, my week has been  good. 

The girls had a great week at school, and we’ve had NO upsetting phone calls, visits or broken promises
Zoe is still really happy to be in Kindergarten, and looks forward to going each morning ... as you know I was really concerned with that.   Alexis and I are getting along better and better, and Christina has become BFF’s with a neighbor girl (Her FIRST friend).  All three have worked so hard on their social skills…something they did not have before


We got a LOT of freebies in the mail;

Wisk detergent
Oxy facial scrub
Coupon for free sugar
Free 2001 Calendar
Tonka block truck
Free non stick silicone muffin pan ($ paid 5.00 for shipping)

We also got freebies at the store using coupons, and I got 2 free 2ltr of coke at CVS.  Use the scan machine... got $3.75 instant care bucks ... coke $3.00 for two.

Even saved 65% on our weekly groceries.

In the upcoming days/week  I will be posting more often ... promise.   I want to create a coupon exchange and also get more links to freebies in the blog.

Be sure to check your local sales and coupons this weekend.  LOTS of GREAT Deals and Freebies. 

  Until Later ... A Fall recipe to share;

Chicken-Apple Stir Fry
1 large boneless, skinless chicken breast (10+ oz), cut into 1” cubes
2 medium apples (tart apples are preferable), sliced ¼” thick
4 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons brown sugar (divided into two 1T portions)
1 teaspoon Cinnamon
½ teaspoon Nutmeg
½ teaspoon powdered Ginger
Melt butter in pan over medium heat. Place apples in pan, adding 1 tablespoon brown sugar and flipping occasionally until the apples start to brown.
Add chicken and cook until done (until chicken is firm and no pink remains; cut a piece in half to test). Sprinkle with nutmeg, cinnamon and remaining sugar, tossing a little more to dissolve. Serve over rice. Makes 2 servings.
Note from Becky: Winter squash might be a wonderful addition to this dish, though I have not tried it yet. A small sweet dumpling or half a small acorn or pie pumpkin should provide the correct amount. Simply saute the raw squash along with the apples.

A BIG hug and Thank YOU ! to Ms. Stacy for sharing this recipe!