Saturday, October 9, 2010


Yesterday was  Christina's birthday the big 6,  and we had a nice little celbration at the house ...  today is the big party. she is so excited to have her first birthday party.  Chuck E Cheese here we come !!!  Thank goodness parents will be there to help control the crowd .  LOL.  Jessica and Chris actually called Christina for her birthday... that too brought a smile to her face.

Jim came in last night ... The girls really enjoy him ... dare I say the L word?   I was feeling so bad, I had to go to bed (even earlier than normal) and it was comforting to know he was here with the Girls.

Ive worked on the coupon exchange list for a few days, but haven't completed it yet.  Hoping to do that later today ... until then

thank you to everyone who follows my blog, clicks the links and enjoys.

Take care

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