Thursday, October 7, 2010


Good Morning.  Just an update.... I'm still working on the coupon trade contents.  The girls are doing GREAT !  Christina is excited about her upcoming birthday (8th) and her first ever birthday party.  so, now you know why I havent been posting this week.  but as promised, I'm posting  LOL. 

Hugs, and GREAT appreciation to all who click the links and browse for a bit.  It is greatly appreciated.  With gift giving holidays coming up... be sure to check out my Amazon link as well.  They have some great deals, and of course sell everything from aveno to zoo toys.    If you need a few extra bucks,  join me at swag bucks !!  it's fun, and rewarding ... most of all FREE  to earn points for girft cards or prizes.  Just click the sign up button. 

It will be a BUSY weekend, but I'll do my best to post again tomorrow, and then of course on Sunday when the coupon list exchange is finished (crossing my fingers it will be done).  Until then....

Have a GREAT Day

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