Friday, September 10, 2010

Fabulous Friday

Once again, I'd like to thank everyone who clicked a link on the Google ad's .  Your time is very much appreciated.

I received a notice about Grandparents with infants and or toddlers ... rather you are raising them, or just have items you need .... I posted a banner to the right ... link to some great online buys.

The week has been busy, but productive.  I do miss the voices of the girls in the house during the day, but I'm managing.  Aidan helps me with that (-;

My court hearing regarding the continued guardianship is coming up soon, so I'm spending some time gathering ammo to win the case.   For those of you with annual reports coming up... Don't forget to send them in...they are VERY important updates that ARE reviewed by the Judge on your case.

Please take a moment to Thank those who keep us safe ... Your Police dept.  Fire dept and ER personnel.  Also send a note to a Military person protecting our country.
Remember if you have unused coupons, our Military and their families can use them at the commissary for up to 6 mos.  Please take a moment to send them. 

It's shaping up to really be a fabulous Friday... Enjoy.

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