Sunday, September 5, 2010

lazy sunday afternoon

I did say lazy... not because I have nothing to do...Goddess knows I've plenty that needs to be done.  However, today I decided it was going to be our lazy day ... stay in our PJ's, watch movies, read, browse the internet ... So, that said

I Just read this on the Johnson skin care site and thought it might help some of you. Sure helps me.
Just Breathe
Nothing is more convenient than breathing when it comes to handy stress-relieving tools. Here's a terrific breathing exercise that's easy to remember, which you can do anytime, anywhere:

• Exhale completely.
• Very slowly breathe in through your nose.
• Expand your diaphragm (belly) to bring air into the lower portion of your lungs.
• As you gradually fill your lungs from the bottom to top, expand your chest.
• When you feel filled up, lift your shoulders up to get in just a little more air.
• Hold this, pausing your breathing (and your thinking!).
• Then relax and let the air flow smoothly and fully out through your mouth.
• Pull in your stomach at the end to expel the last bit of air (and stress).
• Hold this emptiness for a few seconds.

Do this a few times, paying attention to the sound and sensation of your breath.
Thank you - Johnsons for you

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