Monday, September 6, 2010

Good Morning Everyone
Happy Labor Day.   I'll be laboring all day get the three girls ready for school ... I'm so excited... In 25 hours all three will be heading out the door for 7 hours of  school  which mean  I won't here "nana" every 30 seconds, or "nana she did this or that"  or "nana, do this or that for me" ... no do me, take, me give me, or nothing... I can have total silence for 7 HOURS ... ok, thats not exactly true... I have my little 6 month old  grandson with me most days of the week , so not total silence  but at this point he is a total joy to be around.  His personality is sweet and very laid back.  I'm counting the hours till the school bell rings (-:

   DEAL of the DAY
get over to face book and tell Nabisco that you like them ... when you do, you can print a coupon for
FREE COOKIES  when you buy a pack and some milk.  thats a deal for me ... I buy milk anyway, and I'm always searching for a cookie for the girls (or Scarlet when she steals toys) ... So it's a Win Win... GO get ya some.

As always ... a toast from  us to you in appreciation for all you do.

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