Saturday, September 18, 2010

the roller coaster of life continues

Now that the kids are back to school, we can begin saving and making plans for the holidays.  Ive been doing a lot of survey's, and working on swag bucks ... have over 20 in cash  from the surveys and about 40 dollars in gift cards earned to help out. 

Just when I think I'm loading up the cart with pennies,  I remember that before Christmas I have two...yep birthdays for the girls.  One will be 6  in Oct,  one 5 in Nov, and one 9 in Dec.  Shoot me now.  I hate, hate to shop.  I'm so thankful stores and business sell stuff and deliver online. 

 I'd probably buy my groceries on line if I could ... no, never mind that is my outlet once a week . I get a THRILL outta great deals with coupon shopping, and the freebie stuff ... well... that's my entertainment (-;

Anyway ... I will be browzing the internet the next few days for more ways to save, and will be happy to share with my friends and grandparents raising grandchildren.    Don't forget I have listed many links for resources to the right, and as always thank you for clicking on the ad's ... hope you are all finding  Many good deals there too.

take care,