Friday, September 24, 2010

Fabulous Friday

It is indeed a Fabulous Friday !!

I went to court yesterday ... yep.  The Mom of my 3 little ladies decided she wanted to terminate my guardianship ... why?   because I didn't let her talk to the girls onthe  phone everyday, and SHE says I didn't let her see them since Jan.  But ... truth be known,  SHE never ask to see them after her last visit in March.  she claims to have called...which she did, and it went to voice mail where she left a Hi girls I love you message each time, but NEVER once ask for a visit.  Also, each time I allowed the girls to call her back, she was ask "do you want to talk to Nana?", whereby she would always reply  NO.   but tells the judge she was not allowed contact.   anyway.   Long story short.  My little ladies are still with me, thank the Goddess and the Judge, until a complete background check can be done, and social service can investigate the entire ordeal.   I love these little ones, and would hate to have them go back to her, but life happens so I won't make long term plans until the next hearing in Nov.

My advice to all of you, raising your grandchildren , and anyone who reads my rambling ... Love them, Respect them, Guide them to be people not only you can admire and respect, but others as well ... Life is short ... a day is shorter (-;  then  ya wake up and they are  teenagers  

ok... not nuff said ... but, moving on

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