Monday, September 6, 2010

It's 9:20 am ... do you know how many hours before your children GO to school

I had a whole hour this morning to read yesterday's paper ... Yippeee.
In case some of you didn't see it ... US Weekend has an article "Mothers Vs. daughters; 5 tips to help negotiate your fashion battles."  One of their tips was to make the shopping for school FUN   I almost spit my sip of coffee all over that paper. 

FUN ... hmmm nope, it's not fun shopping with three (3) little girls age 4,5,8 nope, nada, untuh !!!  My 8 year old is looking at something while the 5 year old is yelling "nana, I said look at this", and the 4 year old is saying "nana can I get this one" ... When I tell them I am ONE person, they are 3 and that I can't listen or look in 3 directions my 4 year old says " Well,... can't you at least TRY".  (Goddess help me for saying that to her and her sisters each time they said "I can't" )     

FUN shopping experience ... NOT goin to happen .  LOL

It's 9:21am... this time tomorrow ALL THREE of them will be sitting in their cute little clothes that I Shopped for ALONE  ...    while I sit on the front porch ... enjoying the morning silence ...

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