Monday, September 6, 2010

Using my time wisely today

Hi ya.  Just a little shout out ;

Got my chain gang outta bed and we are all doing the multi task dance ... Laundry, organizing snacks, lunch stuff, clothes, shoes... and all that GREAT school supplies I bought.  
I hope you took the opportunity to find a few deals too.  If not there is still time.  click some of the ad's here on my blog to grab a few .

 I also got a lot of great deals and steals over the summer ... thanks to ACurry who started a great blog at  and Bargains for Bounty. You should check out there bogs/site too if you have some time on your hands, or if youre like me... always looking to make life a little sweeter or easier.

Oh.  I got the greatest Tee Shirt  FREE.  on Swag Bucks  this morning.  I also snagged about 22 bucks to go toward my next free $5.00 Amazon gift certificate,. at Vista Print ... but go via swag to get it

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