Monday, September 20, 2010

Marvelous Monday

Hellllo  Monday

As grandparents ... or baby boomers as they like to call us ... we learned how to save a little, and fall back on resources within our means.  So, that said ...I'm off to a great start today;  Ive been up since 4:30am and finally put the final line on my little children's book I'm going to try and publish ... wish me luck. I have my coupons for freebies ready to go to CVS , and the girls clothes are clean, pressed and waiting for them to jump into, as we rush out the door to school this morning.

I hope everyone has a Marvelous Monday, and I leave you with a thought for the day;

did you know ;
If you need or want to text someone else's cell phone, but don’t have the  luxury of free texting on your cell phone, you can text them free from  yep.  Easy to do.  If you have an account and you use IM… you are ¾ of the way there.  Need help ?   let me know.

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