Saturday, September 11, 2010

Just my Ramblings

My Children / My Grandchildren
Are my heart beats

When it comes down to the ultimate truth,
my children have been my life since the moment of conception.  I may not feel that way every second of every day, but the reality is ever present.
My children are now grown … and followed their own path, good bad
or different their own, and my wonderful grandchildren have arrived.

In my children, I see and feel my past. In my grandchildren, I see and feel every breath, every heartbeat … they are my present.
Most of my “friends” have jumped the friendship boat because they can not understand why I would choose…yes choose...
to raise three of my granddaughters over having an “Adult social life”.
My soul and my voice follow with how could I NOT.

It’s not an easy task, and it’s not always milk and cookies … but it is rewarding, and humbling.
Rewarding because I see them grow into beautiful little girls, healthy, happy,
and living without fear, and With HOPE.
Humbling, because I realize every day that I have limitations … financial, physical,
and once in a minute … mental.

All that said …

My children and my grandchildren are my heart beats.

My friends are a joy, an extra bonus in life. I could not enjoy all things without my friends,
I could not live without my children/grandchildren

I can only hope… I never take either one for granted

Life is short … a Day is shorter

Thank you to all who tip toe through my blog ... take what you need, and with a breath of kindness click the rest away .

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