Saturday, October 16, 2010


Good Morning
I wanted to post and let those of you following my blog know that ... ;

the coupon trade has shown NO interest, so I havent posted any of my many extras.

Ive been swamped this week with Life stuff and havent had the opportunity to blog lately

last but not least... Google pulled all my ad sense  because of "invalid clicks".  Not sure If I'll be able to use them again... but oh well.  thank you to all who tried to help .

I've been searching to see if there is a current coupon train to join in SE Michigan ... if I find one, I'll post the link, but can't justify spending time creating one with no interest.

ok...nuff said .  Have a GREAT Weekend !!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tuesday Thrills

I was searching for my recycle points from the city today, and somehow found a site that I was soooo excited to find, I couldn't wait to put it on my blog.  It's a place to find everything from items at closeout cost to freebies, to online coupon codes.  It's not just for us Grandparents raising our grandchildren... but for Anyone wanting to save money while shopping for things we need...or might want.   Find this at

I also found something on saving pennies to spend dollars (Ashley C  bog),   check out the widget to the right  and play.  Its the easiest and fun site Ive seen in a LONG time.  Enjoy

I'll be back late this week to post this weeks coupon swap.

Until then, take care

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Yesterday was  Christina's birthday the big 6,  and we had a nice little celbration at the house ...  today is the big party. she is so excited to have her first birthday party.  Chuck E Cheese here we come !!!  Thank goodness parents will be there to help control the crowd .  LOL.  Jessica and Chris actually called Christina for her birthday... that too brought a smile to her face.

Jim came in last night ... The girls really enjoy him ... dare I say the L word?   I was feeling so bad, I had to go to bed (even earlier than normal) and it was comforting to know he was here with the Girls.

Ive worked on the coupon exchange list for a few days, but haven't completed it yet.  Hoping to do that later today ... until then

thank you to everyone who follows my blog, clicks the links and enjoys.

Take care

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Good Morning.  Just an update.... I'm still working on the coupon trade contents.  The girls are doing GREAT !  Christina is excited about her upcoming birthday (8th) and her first ever birthday party.  so, now you know why I havent been posting this week.  but as promised, I'm posting  LOL. 

Hugs, and GREAT appreciation to all who click the links and browse for a bit.  It is greatly appreciated.  With gift giving holidays coming up... be sure to check out my Amazon link as well.  They have some great deals, and of course sell everything from aveno to zoo toys.    If you need a few extra bucks,  join me at swag bucks !!  it's fun, and rewarding ... most of all FREE  to earn points for girft cards or prizes.  Just click the sign up button. 

It will be a BUSY weekend, but I'll do my best to post again tomorrow, and then of course on Sunday when the coupon list exchange is finished (crossing my fingers it will be done).  Until then....

Have a GREAT Day

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Another sleepless night...

Good Morning everyone.

I hope everyone had a GREAT Week !   

Other than extreme fatigue and running on less than 20 hours of sleep, my week has been  good. 

The girls had a great week at school, and we’ve had NO upsetting phone calls, visits or broken promises
Zoe is still really happy to be in Kindergarten, and looks forward to going each morning ... as you know I was really concerned with that.   Alexis and I are getting along better and better, and Christina has become BFF’s with a neighbor girl (Her FIRST friend).  All three have worked so hard on their social skills…something they did not have before


We got a LOT of freebies in the mail;

Wisk detergent
Oxy facial scrub
Coupon for free sugar
Free 2001 Calendar
Tonka block truck
Free non stick silicone muffin pan ($ paid 5.00 for shipping)

We also got freebies at the store using coupons, and I got 2 free 2ltr of coke at CVS.  Use the scan machine... got $3.75 instant care bucks ... coke $3.00 for two.

Even saved 65% on our weekly groceries.

In the upcoming days/week  I will be posting more often ... promise.   I want to create a coupon exchange and also get more links to freebies in the blog.

Be sure to check your local sales and coupons this weekend.  LOTS of GREAT Deals and Freebies. 

  Until Later ... A Fall recipe to share;

Chicken-Apple Stir Fry
1 large boneless, skinless chicken breast (10+ oz), cut into 1” cubes
2 medium apples (tart apples are preferable), sliced ¼” thick
4 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons brown sugar (divided into two 1T portions)
1 teaspoon Cinnamon
½ teaspoon Nutmeg
½ teaspoon powdered Ginger
Melt butter in pan over medium heat. Place apples in pan, adding 1 tablespoon brown sugar and flipping occasionally until the apples start to brown.
Add chicken and cook until done (until chicken is firm and no pink remains; cut a piece in half to test). Sprinkle with nutmeg, cinnamon and remaining sugar, tossing a little more to dissolve. Serve over rice. Makes 2 servings.
Note from Becky: Winter squash might be a wonderful addition to this dish, though I have not tried it yet. A small sweet dumpling or half a small acorn or pie pumpkin should provide the correct amount. Simply saute the raw squash along with the apples.

A BIG hug and Thank YOU ! to Ms. Stacy for sharing this recipe!  

Friday, September 24, 2010

Try a Sample of Green Tea for Free

Green Tea has been professed to be one of the healthist things we can give ourself each day... if youve never tried it....try a free sampleat    Thank you Alischia

I love green tea !!

you and your loved ones can sip a cup of tea  while creating memories making a paper bag apple  to celebrate Fall's arrival.   find the instructions at

Fabulous Friday

It is indeed a Fabulous Friday !!

I went to court yesterday ... yep.  The Mom of my 3 little ladies decided she wanted to terminate my guardianship ... why?   because I didn't let her talk to the girls onthe  phone everyday, and SHE says I didn't let her see them since Jan.  But ... truth be known,  SHE never ask to see them after her last visit in March.  she claims to have called...which she did, and it went to voice mail where she left a Hi girls I love you message each time, but NEVER once ask for a visit.  Also, each time I allowed the girls to call her back, she was ask "do you want to talk to Nana?", whereby she would always reply  NO.   but tells the judge she was not allowed contact.   anyway.   Long story short.  My little ladies are still with me, thank the Goddess and the Judge, until a complete background check can be done, and social service can investigate the entire ordeal.   I love these little ones, and would hate to have them go back to her, but life happens so I won't make long term plans until the next hearing in Nov.

My advice to all of you, raising your grandchildren , and anyone who reads my rambling ... Love them, Respect them, Guide them to be people not only you can admire and respect, but others as well ... Life is short ... a day is shorter (-;  then  ya wake up and they are  teenagers  

ok... not nuff said ... but, moving on

Great Freebies  Finds;       read thousands of books online from classic to new for free.             for Free online games    for free birthday card and call from Toys R US Jeffrey       for  the cheapest gas prices in your area
OR just walk and or ride a bike if you can.  It creates a great activity and exercise with the kids

I got lots of Freebies at the stores this week,... didn't have time to list them so you could go find them too.  However, check the links and there will be more coming up.


Thank you to all who click on the goggle links and browse their ad's .  Your time is appreciated.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Reposting -- Sandcastles to Pennies

Ive received a few emails asking about me... so I thought I'd save you some time having to scroll all the way down, or me re-blogging.  so Reposting;

I’m a 56 year old widow, the Mother of four children, grandmother of 14 (that I know of), and saving a penny where I can has always been somewhat of a hobby for me. I’d rather spend an hour in the clearance isle to save on multiple items, than to run to the mall for that one expensive item. I was saving for early retirement in Florida, sun beaches and sandcastles.

**In December 2009, I gave up my dream of collecting sandcastles at the beach in Florida to became the full legal guardian for three of my beautiful granddaughters in Michigan. After months of walking around the house semi conscious and whispering, what have I gotten myself into, I finally gave myself a swift kick in the butt and said “ I’ve done this before and survived … I can and will do this again.”

**It’s too difficult … ok, next to impossible for me to rummage through the clearance isle of all my favorite places, so I’m doing the next best thing. I browse the internet for ways to save a penny, all while telling three little girls to shut the door! - We can’t afford to cool the squirrels.

**I’ve even found ways to earn a penny or two along the way. So, If you are grandparents, like me…raising your grandchildren and need all the pennies you can save, grab a cup of tea and browse the internet with me, as I search the internet highway for the clearance of a lifetime and a cart full of pennies.

**As I search, I'll   post a link  on the right side of my blog or  under the blog for us to get deals information and refer back to. 

**Hope my blog brings you a smile, and some help in saving so you can start your own cart full of pennies

Marvelous Monday

Hellllo  Monday

As grandparents ... or baby boomers as they like to call us ... we learned how to save a little, and fall back on resources within our means.  So, that said ...I'm off to a great start today;  Ive been up since 4:30am and finally put the final line on my little children's book I'm going to try and publish ... wish me luck. I have my coupons for freebies ready to go to CVS , and the girls clothes are clean, pressed and waiting for them to jump into, as we rush out the door to school this morning.

I hope everyone has a Marvelous Monday, and I leave you with a thought for the day;

did you know ;
If you need or want to text someone else's cell phone, but don’t have the  luxury of free texting on your cell phone, you can text them free from  yep.  Easy to do.  If you have an account and you use IM… you are ¾ of the way there.  Need help ?   let me know.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

gifts, Gifts, and MORE FREE gifts

For the cost of shipping, you an have a beautiful sterling silver pendant ... check it out

you can also purchase the chain for $4.00 but not obligated to.   check their site daily the free item changes often.

Christmas IS coming ya know ... get your list out, and GO shopping

These post are time consuming

I was having problems with the "comment"  section, and it took MOST of the morning to correct it.  uggh  like I have that kind of time to waste.  ohhh well,  on to my day.  Have some errands to run, and maybe drop kids off for a visit with "Dady"

Sunday select

Im calling it sunday select, cause Im selecting a few coupons I need ... if my cohort Jim sees this ... heat up the printer baby, Nana needs some coupons. 

Having 3 girls plus myself,  I need these and can only get one, because my printer ate the second one.  grrrrrr.   
$0.99 Nivea Lip Care (price drop through Oct 10)
-$2.00/2 Nivea printable coupon (print up to 2 per computer) or $1.00/1 coupon
Hugs and luv  for all you do !!
And thank you to each person who clicks the ad's for browsing their own needs, and when needed ,purchasing from our link ... sponsored by google and amazon.  You, and your time are appreciated   . 

Super Sunday Sales AND Lots of Freebies

Good Morning

Grab a cup of tea, coffee or nuttin... and browse today.  I have a lot of links for more freebies.  Something all Grandparents LOVE (-; .  and we Need them. 

P.s.  I  have found that if I give my 8yr old a few coupons to check when on the appropriate isle... makes work a tiny bit easier and makes an activity not so boring.

First up ... take a look at the Free things you can pick up while shopping at
Meijers  this week.

$0.59 Simply Asia Fried Rice, Beef & Broccoli, Sesame Teriyaki or Sweet & Sour Seasoning (price drop through Sept 26)
-$0.50/1 Simply Asia coupon (from 8-29 RP)
FREE after coupon – thanks, Chrys!   
$0.99 Frank’s Redhot Sauce (regular price – may vary by location)
-$1.00/1 Redhot coupon (from 7-25 SS, exp 9-30)FREE after coupon – thanks, Emily!   
$2.50 Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing, 16 oz
$1.00 Bestlife Buttery Spread, 15 oz (price drop through Oct 10)
-$1.00/1 coupon (from 8-29 RP)
FREE after coupon
$1.99 BioTrue Multi Purpose Solution, 2 oz
-$2.00/1 BioTrue 2 oz printable coupon  FREE after coupon

$0.99 Nivea Lip Care (price drop through Oct 10)
-$2.00/2 Nivea printable coupon (print up to 2 per computer) or $1.00/1 coupon (from Sept All You magazine)
FREE when you buy 2 with coupon – great charity donation – thanks, Deb!  

$0.99 Suave Advanced Therapy Lotion, 3 oz (everyday best price)
Bonus: Buy 2 or more Suave Lotion in one transaction, get a $2.00 checkout coupon valid on your next order.
FREE when you buy 2 after checkout coupon savings

Here is the link to the meijer ad for a $15.00 rebate for work boots/shoe

Also, my daughter posted this GREAT  information on her blog, so I checked it out.  Wonderful deal ... Free things daily on the web site.   take a look

Next up ... CVS  has great freebies if using coupons too;

$2.99 Right Guard Total Defense Deodorant 2-4 oz
-$1.50/1  Total Defense 5 printable or $1.50/1 Total Defense 5 Deodorant printable
Pay $1.49, get $2.00 in Extra Care Bucks (limit 3)
FREE + moneymaker after coupon and store reward
$6.99 Revlon Super Lustrous, Moon Drops, Color Burst Lip or Double Twist Mascara-$2.00/1 Revlon printable coupon (goes directly to printing)
Pay $4.99, get $5.00 in Extra Care Bucks (limit 6)
FREE after coupon and store rewards
$2.79  Schick HydroShaving Gel 8.4 oz
-$1.00/1 Schick Hydro Shave Gel coupon (from 8-8 SS)Pay $1.79, get $1.80 in Extra Care Bucks (limit 1)
FREE after coupon and store rewards
$0.99 Ivory Bar Soap, 3 pack (limit 5)
$1.00/1 Select Ivory Items coupon (from 8-29 PG)FREE after coupon

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Freebie Alert !! (-; Saturday Shopping

Is giving LOTS of things free.  I recently received a T shirt... you design within their perimeters(lots of graphics and text) and pay minimal shipping.  Then, I received a free tote bag, and was given the opportunity to create a FREE cup, wall calender ... and they have MANY more things FREE  on the site.  check it out.  Get uncle Joe a free cup, tee shirt, calendar  etc...  all for a minimal ( around $3.76)  shipping fee.  Of course I was a little selfish and made the T shirt for myself.   I AM the Big Momma  ya know  (-;

so, go check it out.  get the freebies for yourself, or upcoming gift giving.  Happy Shopping

the roller coaster of life continues

Now that the kids are back to school, we can begin saving and making plans for the holidays.  Ive been doing a lot of survey's, and working on swag bucks ... have over 20 in cash  from the surveys and about 40 dollars in gift cards earned to help out. 

Just when I think I'm loading up the cart with pennies,  I remember that before Christmas I have two...yep birthdays for the girls.  One will be 6  in Oct,  one 5 in Nov, and one 9 in Dec.  Shoot me now.  I hate, hate to shop.  I'm so thankful stores and business sell stuff and deliver online. 

 I'd probably buy my groceries on line if I could ... no, never mind that is my outlet once a week . I get a THRILL outta great deals with coupon shopping, and the freebie stuff ... well... that's my entertainment (-;

Anyway ... I will be browzing the internet the next few days for more ways to save, and will be happy to share with my friends and grandparents raising grandchildren.    Don't forget I have listed many links for resources to the right, and as always thank you for clicking on the ad's ... hope you are all finding  Many good deals there too.

take care,

Last call for Ice Cream

Come join my group  ... quick ... only 30 more spots left
I scream You scream WE all Get Ice Cream for 22 SB and a coupon for free icecream

Friday, September 17, 2010

What say you ?

If we each perform one random act of kindness
every  day,
we just might get the world headed
in the right direction.

OR we could just elect a female president. 

Me, Id vote for Both ... maybe that would speed it up a bit.

Fabulous Friday

My deal of the day

Meijer  - Two day sale

Buy $15.00 in any combination of qualifying items between and get a $5.00 checkout coupon valid on your next order. Checkout coupon expires two weeks from date of transaction. Limit (2) coupons per transaction. (8/29-10/13)
Qualifying items include any size of the following:
Nabisco Snack Crackers or Ritz Crackers
Kraft Dressing, Kraft Mayo or Miracle Whip Dressing
Kraft Chunk Cheese, Singles or Natural Cracker Cuts
Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs, Wallet Zip-Packed Deli

 I bought ;

2 Wheat Thins $4.00  -     (used 2 coupons  =            $2.00
4 Oscar mayer Hot dogs $5.00 –  (used 3  coupons =  $2.00
5 Kraft Chunk Cheese $8.35 – (used   1 coupon  =    $5.00
Pay $7.33,   AND  got  a  $5.00 checkout coupon valid on my next purchase

MY DEAL    FINAL COST: $7.33 for 11 items ($0.66 each)
if you count the $5.00 checkout coupon ... it was even less

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thank Goodness it's THURSDAY

 As a Grandparent,  I'd forgotten how little ones can cut an eyebrow, or a forehead ... UGH  the blood that pumps with each pulse and heart beat.   My little Zoe hugged our family dog last night, (Scarlett) and by accident put pressure on Scarlett's bad paw.  Scarlett grabbed at her, and one tooth punctured her little forehead just above the eye brow.  did I mention the blood?  UGH.   Yep... I panicked, called my daughter (Aidan's Mom)  in such as state she couldn't understand me.    I called my son, and just said it's an emergency get here NOW... well long story short, we ended up in the ER (Zoe calls that the 911) me feeling a little STUPID but relieved that all that was needed was a little hydrogen peroxide, a little antibiotic cream, a bandaid and a warm hug and ALL was well again.   Lesson learned ...or should I say ... remembered

Here is a poem I stole from my daughter (saving pennies) ... Worth the copy/past (-;   Thanks AC

Poem especially for moms
I bumped into a stranger today
"Oh excuse me please" was my reply.
He said, "Please excuse me too; I wasn't watching for you."
We were very polite, this stranger and I.
We went on our way and we said goodbye.
But at home a different story is told, How we treat our loved ones, young and old.
Later that day, cooking the evening meal, My son stood beside me very still.
When I turned, I nearly knocked him down. "Move out of the way," I said with a frown.
He walked away, his little heart broken. I didn't realize how harshly I'd spoken.
While I lay awake in bed, God's still small voice came to me and said,
 "While dealing with a stranger, common courtesy you use, but the family you love, you seem to abuse.
Go and look on the kitchen floor, You'll find some flowers there by the door.
Those are the flowers he brought for you. He picked them himself: pink, yellow and blue.
He stood very quietly not to spoil the surprise, you never saw the tears that filled his little eyes.
By this time, I felt very small, And now my tears began to fall.
I quietly went and knelt by his bed; "Wake up, little one, wake up," I said.
"Are these the flowers you picked for me?" He smiled, "I found 'em, out by the tree.
I picked 'em because they're pretty like you. I knew you'd like 'em, especially the blue.
 I said, "Son, I'm very sorry for the way I acted today; I shouldn't have yelled at you that way."
He said, "Oh, Mom, that's okay. I love you anyway."
I said, "Son, I love you too, and I do like the flowers, especially the blue."
Next time you want to yell, stop, take an opportunity to tell them that you love them, and explain what it is you need from them at that moment... then try to work it out together.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wonderful Wednesday

Good Morning,
Welcome to Wonderful Wednesday ...

Nankin ACE Hardware  has a GREAT DEAL  until Sept 20th  take your empty printer cartridge in and they will fill it  for FREE *(they say not all cartridges are refillable so call ahead)

Ive not been posting as much as I'd like, but I'll get more organized SOON.  (I hope) (-;  
Thank you for visiting, clicking and your patience.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Did you know … sadly, so few ever recognize or acknowledge it.

National Grandparents Day was signed into law by President Jimmy Carter in 1978. Marian McQuade received a phone call from the White House to advise her of this event. Many people incorrectly believe that National Grandparents Day was inspired by her efforts.

Each year the President is requested to issue a proclamation to: designate the first Sunday in September after Labor Day as National Grandparents Day; and to call on people, groups and organizations to observe the day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.

The official song of National Grandparents Day is “A Song for Grandma And Grandpa” by Johnny Prill. The official flower for the day is the “forget-me-not” flower.
So… From my house to Grandparents everywhere …

The National Grandparents Day Song

A Song for Grandma and Grandpa


Oh Grandma, Grandpa, you know that I love you

I love all those little things that you say and do

A walk through the park, a trip to the zoo

Oh Grandma, Grandpa I love you

Verse One:

Going to a ball game, fishing on the lake

Eating Grandma's cookies, boy they sure taste great

Going to the circus when it comes to town

Eating cotton candy and laughing at the clowns


Oh Grandma, Grandpa, you know that I love you

I love all those little things that you say and do

A hug and a kiss, a ride home from school

Oh Grandma, Grandpa I love you

Verse Two:

Spending time together, talking on the phone

Happy birthday presents, chocolate ice cream cones

Photographs and memories, picnics and parades

Saying that you love me in so many ways


Oh Grandma, Grandpa, you know that I love you

I love all those little things that you say and do

The stories you tell, things I never knew

Oh Grandma, Grandpa I love you

Words and Music by Johnny Prill

Johnny Prill Music, BMI

© 1982, © 2004

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Just my Ramblings

My Children / My Grandchildren
Are my heart beats

When it comes down to the ultimate truth,
my children have been my life since the moment of conception.  I may not feel that way every second of every day, but the reality is ever present.
My children are now grown … and followed their own path, good bad
or different their own, and my wonderful grandchildren have arrived.

In my children, I see and feel my past. In my grandchildren, I see and feel every breath, every heartbeat … they are my present.
Most of my “friends” have jumped the friendship boat because they can not understand why I would choose…yes choose...
to raise three of my granddaughters over having an “Adult social life”.
My soul and my voice follow with how could I NOT.

It’s not an easy task, and it’s not always milk and cookies … but it is rewarding, and humbling.
Rewarding because I see them grow into beautiful little girls, healthy, happy,
and living without fear, and With HOPE.
Humbling, because I realize every day that I have limitations … financial, physical,
and once in a minute … mental.

All that said …

My children and my grandchildren are my heart beats.

My friends are a joy, an extra bonus in life. I could not enjoy all things without my friends,
I could not live without my children/grandchildren

I can only hope… I never take either one for granted

Life is short … a Day is shorter

Thank you to all who tip toe through my blog ... take what you need, and with a breath of kindness click the rest away .

Good Morning ... an Important announcement

First,  Thank you to all of you who take the time to read my blog ... click the ad's and leave a kind message.

Now... It's time again for the annual Breast Cancer Awareness ... please join in by doing whatever you can.  

Just Rinse, bag, and mail your Yoplait lids to;

Save Lids to Save Lives©

P.O. Box 420704

El Paso, TX 88542-0704

Friday, September 10, 2010

Upcoming event

by our President of the United States of America

Throughout our history, American families have been guided and strengthened by the support of devoted grandparents. These mentors have a special place in our homes and communities, ensuring the stories and traditions of our heritage are passed down through generations. On National Grandparents Day, we honor those who have helped shape the character of our Nation, and we thank these role models for their immeasurable acts of love, care, and understanding.

Grandparents witness great milestones in the lives of their children and grandchildren. Whether with us when we learn to read or ride a bicycle, they celebrate early triumphs, console us when we are distressed, and cultivate our dreams. Through decades of hard work and sacrifice, our forebears have also enabled many of the rights and opportunities now accessible to all Americans. As a country and a people, our grandparents have made us who we are today.

National Grandparents Day presents a chance to show our profound appreciation and respect for the central roles that family elders play in our lives. The legacy of these selfless caregivers is not only reflected in the principles and sense of purpose they inspire in their loved ones, but also in their unique ability to reach across ages and enrich the lives of generations of Americans.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 12, 2010, as National Grandparents Day. I call upon all Americans to take the time to honor their own grandparents and those in their community.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this tenth day of September, in the year of our Lord two thousand ten, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-fifth.


Source: The White House

Fabulous Friday comes to a close

As this day starts to wind down for me, I thought I would share something a close friend sent to me before passing away.  I tucked this card into my memory box, along with pictures and letters we shared through a wonderful 26 year friendship .  I never grasp the true meaning until recently ... When I began to laugh with children again, and actually get out and live life.  As I thought of her today, I knew she would smile. 

All that said;

... Many of you probably already read it at some point ... but for those who didn't ; 

There comes a time in life when you have to let go of all the pointless drama and the people who create it and, start to surround yourself with people who make you laugh so hard that you forget the bad and focus solely on the good. After all, life is to short to be anything but happy.

So, my fellow cohort... Grandparents raising grandchildren... Lets get over the drama and LIVE, Laugh and ... Forget

Fabulous Friday

Once again, I'd like to thank everyone who clicked a link on the Google ad's .  Your time is very much appreciated.

I received a notice about Grandparents with infants and or toddlers ... rather you are raising them, or just have items you need .... I posted a banner to the right ... link to some great online buys.

The week has been busy, but productive.  I do miss the voices of the girls in the house during the day, but I'm managing.  Aidan helps me with that (-;

My court hearing regarding the continued guardianship is coming up soon, so I'm spending some time gathering ammo to win the case.   For those of you with annual reports coming up... Don't forget to send them in...they are VERY important updates that ARE reviewed by the Judge on your case.

Please take a moment to Thank those who keep us safe ... Your Police dept.  Fire dept and ER personnel.  Also send a note to a Military person protecting our country.
Remember if you have unused coupons, our Military and their families can use them at the commissary for up to 6 mos.  Please take a moment to send them. 

It's shaping up to really be a fabulous Friday... Enjoy.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Grab these.

Just a reminder ... you can print MOST  coupons twice

Lever 2000 is offering a $1.00  off coupon at

Rite aid is offering this coupon online a redplum  $5.00 off $25.00 purchase.  Grab it will you can


With lunch outta the way, I'm back to browsing the net.  Just came across a desert I'm going to make when I have all the ingredients ... YUM  Great snack for the Girls tomorrow After school too.  low fat it seems, especially if I cut the serving down to child / snack size

3 MUSKETEERS® Mint Chocolate Milkshake

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Difficulty: Easy
What you need:

1 bag 3 MUSKETEERS® Mint Minis

2 tablespoons light cream

3 cups low-fat vanilla yogurt

1/2 cup low-fat milk Reduced fat whipped topping

Mint sprig

Drinking straws

What to do:
1. Microwave 1 cup chopped 3 MUSKETEERS® Mint Minis and cream for 1 minute. Stir until smooth and set aside to cool.
2. In a blender, combine the yogurt, milk and 3 MUSKETEERS® Mint Minis sauce. Blend until smooth.
3. Divide milkshake between 2 glasses and top with a dollop of whipped topping, a spring of mint and a slice of 3 MUSKETEERS® Mint Minis. Add drinking straws and enjoy!
Makes 2 milkshakes

Using my time wisely today

Hi ya.  Just a little shout out ;

Got my chain gang outta bed and we are all doing the multi task dance ... Laundry, organizing snacks, lunch stuff, clothes, shoes... and all that GREAT school supplies I bought.  
I hope you took the opportunity to find a few deals too.  If not there is still time.  click some of the ad's here on my blog to grab a few .

 I also got a lot of great deals and steals over the summer ... thanks to ACurry who started a great blog at  and Bargains for Bounty. You should check out there bogs/site too if you have some time on your hands, or if youre like me... always looking to make life a little sweeter or easier.

Oh.  I got the greatest Tee Shirt  FREE.  on Swag Bucks  this morning.  I also snagged about 22 bucks to go toward my next free $5.00 Amazon gift certificate,. at Vista Print ... but go via swag to get it

It's 9:20 am ... do you know how many hours before your children GO to school

I had a whole hour this morning to read yesterday's paper ... Yippeee.
In case some of you didn't see it ... US Weekend has an article "Mothers Vs. daughters; 5 tips to help negotiate your fashion battles."  One of their tips was to make the shopping for school FUN   I almost spit my sip of coffee all over that paper. 

FUN ... hmmm nope, it's not fun shopping with three (3) little girls age 4,5,8 nope, nada, untuh !!!  My 8 year old is looking at something while the 5 year old is yelling "nana, I said look at this", and the 4 year old is saying "nana can I get this one" ... When I tell them I am ONE person, they are 3 and that I can't listen or look in 3 directions my 4 year old says " Well,... can't you at least TRY".  (Goddess help me for saying that to her and her sisters each time they said "I can't" )     

FUN shopping experience ... NOT goin to happen .  LOL

It's 9:21am... this time tomorrow ALL THREE of them will be sitting in their cute little clothes that I Shopped for ALONE  ...    while I sit on the front porch ... enjoying the morning silence ...
Good Morning Everyone
Happy Labor Day.   I'll be laboring all day get the three girls ready for school ... I'm so excited... In 25 hours all three will be heading out the door for 7 hours of  school  which mean  I won't here "nana" every 30 seconds, or "nana she did this or that"  or "nana, do this or that for me" ... no do me, take, me give me, or nothing... I can have total silence for 7 HOURS ... ok, thats not exactly true... I have my little 6 month old  grandson with me most days of the week , so not total silence  but at this point he is a total joy to be around.  His personality is sweet and very laid back.  I'm counting the hours till the school bell rings (-:

   DEAL of the DAY
get over to face book and tell Nabisco that you like them ... when you do, you can print a coupon for
FREE COOKIES  when you buy a pack and some milk.  thats a deal for me ... I buy milk anyway, and I'm always searching for a cookie for the girls (or Scarlet when she steals toys) ... So it's a Win Win... GO get ya some.

As always ... a toast from  us to you in appreciation for all you do.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Great Deal ...

CVS has all Excedrin 100-250 ct on sale (starting at 6.99)  And they are giving $5.00 in extra care bucks back (good for your next purchase)  Use your $1.50 coupon from last Sunday and thats a STEAL of a DEAL.
If you don't have the $1.50 coupon, you can still get one for $1.00 at their web site
P.s. Be sure to check out Ashley's Blog too. Lots more to be found (-;

Fall is in the air

My goodness if you are in SE Michigan, you’ll know why I browsed the net and grabbed these two links … COLD is coming ;

they offer a $2.00 coupon off any of their theraflu products
 has some really good information about the upcoming cold and flu season. I grabbed the link because they also have a $1.00 off coupon for any of their products.   Stock up while ya can

lazy sunday afternoon

I did say lazy... not because I have nothing to do...Goddess knows I've plenty that needs to be done.  However, today I decided it was going to be our lazy day ... stay in our PJ's, watch movies, read, browse the internet ... So, that said

I Just read this on the Johnson skin care site and thought it might help some of you. Sure helps me.
Just Breathe
Nothing is more convenient than breathing when it comes to handy stress-relieving tools. Here's a terrific breathing exercise that's easy to remember, which you can do anytime, anywhere:

• Exhale completely.
• Very slowly breathe in through your nose.
• Expand your diaphragm (belly) to bring air into the lower portion of your lungs.
• As you gradually fill your lungs from the bottom to top, expand your chest.
• When you feel filled up, lift your shoulders up to get in just a little more air.
• Hold this, pausing your breathing (and your thinking!).
• Then relax and let the air flow smoothly and fully out through your mouth.
• Pull in your stomach at the end to expel the last bit of air (and stress).
• Hold this emptiness for a few seconds.

Do this a few times, paying attention to the sound and sensation of your breath.
Thank you - Johnsons for you

Thanks for stopping by.  Every time you click on an ad from Google or Amazon here on my blog, I’m rewarded for blogging? Yep. Sure beats the heck outta standing on the corner with a sign I tell ya (chuckle)…Seriously though. Your time in logging on and clicking each ad is valuable and sincerely appreciated! Thank you !

Sunday morning Solitude

Ahhh Sunday morning

It’s 6am and the little ones are still asleep … the sound of silence is a welcome event here at my house. I can have coffee and read a newspaper without sound effects. I can blog, rummage through coupons and internet sites; take a few surveys for dollars over at the outpost. Ok… so I didn’t say it was totally relaxing… simply to complete a task is rewarding (-;
** speaking of rewarding I just got 30 "swagbucks" for searching on tool bar. For each 450 I collect, I can get a free $5.00 Amazon card to use as I please. So far in the 2 weeks I've been doing this I've gotten four (4)$5.00 cards. Amazon has grown from books only to just about everything you can imagine.
*** Yikes... I forgot one sound effect. My 9 year old English bulldog Scarlett snores so loud I can hear her on the floor above me. That’s a sound I’ve come to see as a comfort though … if she is sleeping sound enough to snore… all is right in our house. If you don’t have a pet for your grandchildren (or children) I can’t convince you to get one … nor will I try. However I will tell you that Scarlett brings a lot of emotional therapy to the girls since they moved in. The loving lick or gentle nudge from a pet equates love to a child who has seen parental violence, and neglect. …. Nuff said

***Did you know Military families who shop at the commissary can use your outdated coupons for up to six (6) months? yep. So while you’re weeding out your expired coupons you never got around to using, please consider supporting our troops families.

**Salvation Army Thrift Stores are always a good place to buy clothing for children. Recently I spent $28.00 and got 6 gently worn outfits for my youngest (4) granddaughter to play in a dress that will be great for school. Also ...

***There is a Labor Day Sale – Monday, September 6,2010
You can get 50% OFF all the clothing.
The Sale is valid at 25 locations in Southeast Michigan
For more information or store hours visit

**And of course to keep those clothes clean after an afternoon at the park or cookie baking, on over to our coupon link for a printable coupon to get $1.00 off whisk detergent

Coupons I’m printing for the week;
1. Lunchables(great for on the go lunch, but pricey without coupon)
2. Cortizone 10 for my baby grandson’s eczema
1. Kids yoplat
2. Kahiki frozen meals(I found these at Meijer for$2.98 regular price. With my $1.00 coupon I pay 1.98 for a tasty meal.
3 Sweet Moments Refrigerated Desserts
two perfect size cakes for little ones desert or portion control

***Again, Thank each one of you that view my blog and click on the ad’s generated by Google and Amazon. Each click helps! And your time is appreciated.

********That’s what’s going around in my house this morning. Here’s a toast that all is well on your side of the screen.

P.s. Be sure to check out Ashley's Blog too. Lots more to be found (-;

Saturday, September 4, 2010

It's Saturday and all is well

Hi Ya **
Thanks for stopping by.  Did you know every time you click on an ad from Google or Amazon here on my blog, I’m rewarded for blogging? Yep. Sure beats the heck outta standing on the corner with a sign I tell ya (chuckle)…Seriously though. Your time in logging on and clicking each ad is valuable and sincerely appreciated! Thank you !
**Wow … could Saturday have been any better ? Cool breeze, girls are off to a friends birthday party, and I got over 30 swag bucks for searching.

**Please feel free to comment … I’ll comment right back (-;   
**until later ~~~
ps.  If youd like to read all the pages of my archive on one page ... just click on 2010 (2)

From Sandcastles to pennies

I’m a 56 year old widow, the Mother of four children, grandmother of 14 (that I know of), and saving a penny where I can has always been somewhat of a hobby for me. I’d rather spend an hour in the clearance isle to save on multiple items, than to run to the mall for that one expensive item. I was saving for early retirement in Florida, sun beaches and sandcastles.

**In December 2009, I gave up my dream of collecting sandcastles at the beach in Florida to became the full legal guardian for three of my beautiful granddaughters in Michigan. After months of walking around the house semi conscious and whispering, what have I gotten myself into, I finally gave myself a swift kick in the butt and said “ I’ve done this before and survived … I can and will do this again.”

**It’s too difficult … ok, next to impossible for me to rummage through the clearance isle of all my favorite places, so I’m doing the next best thing. I browse the internet for ways to save a penny, all while telling three little girls to shut the door! - We can’t afford to cool the squirrels.

**I’ve even found ways to earn a penny or two along the way. So, If you are grandparents, like me…raising your grandchildren and need all the pennies you can save, grab a cup of tea and browse the internet with me, as I search the internet highway for the clearance of a lifetime and a cart full of pennies.

**As I search, I'll   post a link  on the right side of my blog or  under the blog for us to get deals information and refer back to. 

**Hope my blog brings you a smile, and some help in saving so you can start your own cart full of pennies